Your oral hygiene is extremely important to extend the longevity of your teeth. We provide a full scope of hygiene services to treat and reduce the risk of gum disease ranging from traditional cleanings and deep cleanings to laser hygiene. Continue reading below for additional information!

What is a deep cleaning?

A deep cleaning (Scaling and root planing) is a more thorough cleaning that is utilized in the presence of gum disease. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease is far more common than you would think. Upwards of 50% of patients over the age of 30 are diagnosed with some form of gum disease. Gum disease occurs when plaque and calculus (tartar) accumulate on the tooth surfaces and work their way below the gum line. This results in a localized inflammatory response within your gum tissue and surrounding bone. Untreated periodontal disease results in bad breath, bleeding gums, bone loss, tooth mobility and tooth loss. It is very important to be treated for gum disease as soon as possible as it is a progressive condition.

Scaling and root planing aims to remove the plaque and calculus that has worked its way below your gum line. Mild cases can be treated with a strong topical numbing gel. However, more advanced cases may require a local anesthetic in order to effectively clean. It is extremely important to treat periodontal disease as soon as possible to prevent further destruction and bone loss.

What is periodontal maintenance?

Periodontal maintenance is a crucial component of stabilizing periodontal disease. Once you complete your initial deep cleaning, it is imperative to return within 90 days for a follow up cleaning. During this visit, we will remeasure your gum pockets and evaluate healing. We will then perform another cleaning to remove any plaque and calculus deposits that have begun to form. This visit is very important for preventing further damage to your gum tissues and bone. Once you are diagnosed with periodontal disease it is important to be seen for maintenance visits 3-4 times a year.

What other options are there to treat gum disease?

Laser therapy is a recent advancement in dentistry. With the use of low power lasers we can aid in the treatment of periodontal disease by utilizing the LANAP protocol. Following your deep cleaning, a laser it utilized to clean deep within your gum pocket. The laser will eliminate any harmful and infected tissue that remains after your deep cleaning. In addition, the laser will help to remove any lingering bacteria from deep within the gum pocket. This helps to promote healing and reattachment of the gums to the teeth. Most patients report less post-operative sensitivity when the laser is used since it removes additional harmful tissue and helps to “sterilize” the gum pockets.

In addition to Laser therapy, we can use a localized anti-microbial in order to treat any persistent pockets. Arestin is used to help reduce the bacterial load in lingering gum pockets. This is a great adjunct to care for many patients.